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Javier Ortega


La Jayona es una mina de hierro abandonada hace 100 años. Una gigantesca quebradura de 80 hectáreas, de hasta cien metros de profundidad condenada a ser un estéril desierto de roca y escombros en un proceso similar al que experimentó la Tierra hace millones de años. Pero algo absolutamente extraordinario ha ocurrido en su seno. La Vida salvaje se ha adueñado de este espacio convirtiéndolo en un ecosistema único que se encuentra entre los tesoros naturales de Europa.
Su microclima le permite el desarrollo de una vegetación singular y completamente ajena a su entorno, al tiempo que se ha convertido en refugio de multitud de especies animales, desde anfibios al todopoderoso búho real.

La Jayona is an iron mine abandoned 100 years ago. A gigantic 80-hectare gorge, up to a hundred meters deep, condemned to be a barren desert of rock and rubble in a process similar to what the Earth experienced millions of years ago. But something absolutely extraordinary has happened within it. Wildlife has taken possession of this space, turning it into a unique ecosystem that is among the natural treasures of Europe.
Its microclimate allows the development of a unique vegetation completely alien to their environment, while it has become a refuge for many animal species, from amphibians to the almighty eagle owl.

  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Javier Ortega
Production Carlos Pérez
Screenplay Javier Ortega
Cinematography Carlos Pérez
Score Miguel Angel Gragera
Score Jorge López Arregui
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Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Film Rating Certification 48 min. 2/25/2021
  • CREW
Tag Information
Film Formats HD - 4K - Color
Puebla de la Calzada 06490 Badajoz Spain
  • Additional Information

Datos de la web 1080 Wildlife Productions (19/10/2022) / Wildlife Productions site info (10/19/2022):

Premios / Awards

International Air Film festival 2021 (España / Spain) - Best Nature in Flight Film
Natural History Documentary at Vaasa Wildlife Film Festival 2022 (Finland) - Honorable Mention

Selecciones / Selections

International Ecological Film Festival TO SAVE AND PRESERVE (Rusia) 2021 - Official Selection

Other films of the director

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