Lechuga, actor en paro y payaso en activo bajo el nombre artístico de"Lechuguete", malvive actuando a domicilio en fiestas infantiles cuando lafortuna le pone en las manos a Paquito, un niño cantante. Convertido en sumaestro de declamación y agente artístico, Lechuga se lanza a la promoción dela criatura: para empezar lo bautiza como "Rocky Banderas, el Jilguero deMadrid" y le escribe unas canciones con la colaboración de su hijo Luis, uncurita obsesionado por hacer la fusión del gregoriano y el flamenco. El caminohacia la gloria y la fama no está tapizado de rosas: en un casting Paquito estáa punto de ser víctima de unos desaprensivos fabricantes de cine porno, pero elescándalo consiguiente lo lleva a un programa radiofónico que puede ser el desu lanzamiento.
Lechuga, an unemployed actor who works as a clown with the stage name of“Lechuguete”, is scraping a living by performing at children’s parties atpeople’s homes when fate brings him into contact with Paquito, a boy singer. Hebecomes his declamation teacher and artistic agent. Lechuga sets aboutpromoting the child. To start off he names him “Rocky Banderas, the Jilguerofrom Madrid” and writes some songs with the help of his son Luis, a priestobsessed with blending Gregorian chant and flamenco. The road to fame is not abed of roses; in a casting Paquito is about to become the victim of someunscrupulous porn filmmakers but the ensuing scandal gets him onto a radioprogramme which could be just what he needs to launch his career.
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Galiardo, Juan Luis | Avelino Lechuga |
Cast | Raulito | Paquito |
Cast | Barranco, María | Chus |
Cast | Calzada, Chuiquito De La | Paco Poblete |
Cast | Valderrama, Luis | Luis |
Cast | Delgado, Tete | Manoli |
Cast | Muñoz, Gloria | Lola |
Cast | Morón, Manuel | Zapata |
Cast | Carbonell, Pablo | Manzanillo |
Cast | Alexandre, Manuel | |
Cast | Morón, Manuel | |
Cast | Andreu, Simón |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Production | Cerezo, Enrique | |
Directed by | García Sánchez, José Luis | |
Line Production | Martínez, Carmen | |
Screenplay | Azcona, Rafael | |
Plot | Azcona, Rafael | |
Plot | García Sánchez, José Luis | |
Cinematography | Arribas Aec, Fernando | |
Score | Collado Saldaña, Miguel Ángel | |
Film Editing | Lafaille, Javier | |
Production Design - Art Direction | Chicharro, Miguel | |
Costume | Arretxe, Eva | |
Sound | Exa | |
Sound Design | Barros, Jaime | |
Sound Design | Faruolo, Carlos | |
Sound Design | Vinader, José | |
Re-recording mixer | Fernández, J.A. | |
Assistant Director | Sancho, Rodrigo | |
Casting | García Sánchez, José Luis | |
Make-up | Quetglas, José | |
Hairdressing | Sánchez, Blanca | |
Special Effects | Reyes Abades | |
Camera Operators | Arribas Aec, Fernando |
Film Rating | Duration | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 91 min. | 2/10/2004 |
Trailer Rating | Runtime | Certification |
GENERAL AUDIENCES | 0 min. seg. | 1/20/2004 |
Video Rating | Runtime | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 91 min. seg. | 1/31/2005 |
Grant | Amount |
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General | 651,405.86 € |
Grants - Preservation of negatives and original supports | 10,847.49 € |
Grants - Reducing interest - Production | 29,149.08 € |
Tag | Information |
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue | 2004 |
Production year | 2003 |
Length | Largometraje |
Film Formats | 35 mm. |
Running time | 91 minutos |
Original footage | 2.511 metros |
Sound Studios | Resonancia Madrid |
Sound Studios | Exa (Mezclas) |
Emulsion | Color |
Aspect ratio | Panorámico 1:1,85 |
Laboratories | Fotofilm Madrid, S.A. |
Edit Facilities | Cherry Towers (Postproducción digital) |
- Film Info
Tag | Information |
Star-up shooting date | 3/3/2003 |
Ending shooting date | 4/14/2003 |
Locations | MADRID Y ALREDEDORES (Days: 30) |