Rubén es sordo, y lo que más le gusta en el mundo son las mujeres y sus amigos.Carlos es ciego, y lo que más le gusta en el mundo es el cine, su perrolazarillo Woody y sus amigos. Dani es cojo, y lo que más le gusta en el mundoes meterse con la peña, su coche Blanquito y sus amigos.Carlos, el ciego, se va a casar el 27 de Agosto con una chica que es su noviade toda la vida. Sus amigos Rubén y Dani quieren celebrar la noche del 26 conuna despedida de soltero por todo lo alto. Se reúnen en su bar habitual, seguapean, se montan en el buga de Dani, y al ritmo del último hit del verano,emprenden la aventura.Después de un encuentro con una chica de rojo, Patricia, que no distingue lossabores, Yolanda, una alma perdida incapaz de romper la foto de su novio yDavid, un graffitero hipercinético adicto a las broncas, sus trayectos sedividen.En esta noche tan especial cada uno de nuestros protagonistas tomará decisionesque darán un brusco golpe de timón a sus vidas. A su vez, cada uno de ellosrealizará un sueño. Rubén (el sordo), cantar. Dani (el cojo), bailar en el agua,y Carlos, (el ciego) conducir un coche a 120 por hora.
Rubén is deaf, and what he likes most in the world are women and his friends.Carlos is blind, and what he likes most in the world is the cinema, hisguide-dog Woody and his friends. Dani is lame, and what he likes most in theworld is to be with his crowd, his car Blanquito and his friends.Carlos, the blind one, is going to get married on 27 August to his life-longgirl friend. His friends Rubén and Dani want to celebrate the night of the 26thwith a full-blown stag party. They meet in their usual bar, they do themselvesup, they get into Danny’s “buga” and they undertake their adventure at the rateof the latest summer hit.After meeting with a girl in red, Patricia, who cannot distinguish flavours,Yolanda, a lost soul unable to tear up the photo of her boy friend, and David,a hyperkinetic graffiti artist addicted to quarrels, their paths divide.On this very special night, each of our stars is going to take decisions thatwill lead to a sharp change in the course of their lives. In turn, each of themwill see a dream come true. Rubén (the deaf one) will sing. Dani (the lame one)will dance on water, and Carlos (the blind one) will drive a car at 120 km anhour.
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Fernando Tejero | |
Cast | Jose Luis Garcia-Perez | |
Cast | Santiago Millan |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Directed by | Joaquin Oristrell | |
Screenplay | Albert Espinosa | |
Score | Nacho Mastretta |
Film Rating | Duration | Certification |
GENERAL AUDIENCES | 105 min. | 9/21/2006 |
Trailer Rating | Runtime | Certification |
GENERAL AUDIENCES | 2 min. seg. | 8/16/2006 |
GENERAL AUDIENCES | 2 min. seg. | 4/26/2006 |
Video Rating | Runtime | Certification |
GENERAL AUDIENCES | 105 min. seg. | 3/8/2007 |
Grant | Amount |
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General | 1,000,000.00 € |
Grants - Preservation of negatives and original supports | 18,398.17 € |
Grants - Reducing interest - Production | 21,373.80 € |
Tag | Information |
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue | 2006 |
Production year | 2006 |
Length | Largometraje |
Film Formats | 35 mm. |
Running time | 105 minutos |
Original footage | 2.864 metros |