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Jiajie Yu Yan


Es un momento agridulce. Ahora ella vive a 540 km lejos de su madre.
Es un momento inquieto. Su madre sigue esperando sus noticias.
Es un momento nostálgico. Ella recuerda esos desvanecidos años...

It is a bittersweet moment. Now she lives 540 km away from her mother.
It is a restless moment. Her mother is awaiting her news.
It is a nostalgia moment. She remembers those vanished years...

(Français) C’est un moment doux-amer. Elle vit désormais à 540 km de distance de sa mère.
C’est un moment agité. Sa mère attend de ses nouvelles.
C’est un moment nostalgique. Elle se rappelle de ces années disparues…

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Kulkornpat Menard
Cast Jiani Yu Yan
Show full cast
  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Jiajie Yu Yan
Production Jiajie Yu Yan
Production Hector Bobo
Production Tasio
Production Diego J. Fernández
Executive Production David Casas
Screenplay Jiajie Yu Yan
Cinematography Mario Lerma
Score Tasio
Score José Tena Vázquez
Film Editing Emilio González
Sound Anqi He
Colour Grading Nadia Khairat
Show full crew
he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Film Rating Certification 9 min. 6/4/2021
Barcelona 08020 Barcelona Spain
Website: jiajieyu.com
Madrid 28045 Madrid Spain
Madrid 28045 Madrid Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Abycine-Festival Internacional De Cine De Albacete (2021) Abycine Cortos
Alcine. Festival De Cine De Alcalá De Henares / Comunidad De Madrid (2021) Alcine a concurso. Certamen Nacional Cortometrajes
Festival De Málaga (2021) Cortometrajes. Ficción Sección Oficial
Mostra De Curtametraxes Vila De Noia (2021) Sección Oficial Ficción
Semana Del Cine De Medina Del Campo (2021) Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes

Other films of the director

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