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Alforja, Iñaki


A través de numerosas entrevistas a sus protagonistas más directos -presosfugados, familiares, amigos- se revive la histórica fuga de 795 presos delFuerte de San Cristóbal, en Pamplona, que tuvo lugar el 22 de mayo de 1938, enplena Guerra Civil. Combinando imágenes históricas y actuales, el documental nosólo levanta el manto de silencio que se extendió sobre aquel heroico episodio,sino que denuncia las extremas condiciones de vida de aquel penal en el que sehacinaban cerca de dos mil quinientas personas, la mayoría presos republicanosy nacionalistas traídos de todos los puntos del Estado Español. Sólo tres delos fugados consiguieron escapar y pasar la frontera con Francia. Por elcontrario, 210 presos murieron cercados en la huída, y catorce más fueroncondenados a muerte y fusilados en la Vuelta del Castillo pocos meses después.

The historic escape of 795 prisoners from the San Cristóbal Fort in Pamplonawhich took place on 22 May 1983 in the midst of the Civil War is brought backto life through numerous interviews with the most direct participants;prisoners, escapees, families and friends. By combining historic andpresent-day images the documentary not only lifts the blanket of silence whichhas covered this heroic episode but also condemns the extreme conditions oflife in that prison where two thousand five hundred people were crammedtogether, most of them republic and nationalist prisoners brought from everycorner of Spain. Only three of the escaped prisoners managed to get away andcross the border with France whereas 210 prisoners died encircled in the escapeand fourteen more were condemned to death and shot in the Vuelta del Castillo afew months later.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Documental
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Alforja, Iciar
Directed by Alforja, Iñaki
Executive Production Alforja, Sofía
Screenplay Alforja, Iñaki
Score Asín, Javier
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 68 min. 10/4/2006
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2006
Production year 2006
Length Largometraje
Film Formats Betacam
Running time 68 minutos
Original footage 1.859 metros
Pamplona/Iruña 31003 Navarra Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Pamplona/Iruña 31003 Navarra Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Pamplona 31003 Navarra Spain

Other films of the director

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