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Oristrell, Joaquín


Barcelona, 1913.Alma es quizá una de las mujeres más modernas de su tiempo. Su padre, el Dr.Mira, es el neurocirujano más prestigioso del país. Su marido, el Dr. LeónPardo, ejerce también la medicina como psiquiatra. Ese verano ha visitado Viena,donde se ha puesto al servicio del revolucionario Dr. Sigmund Freud y susescandalosísimas y avanzadísimas teorías sobre la histeria y la sexualidad.Todo empieza la tarde en que Alma llega a casa y encuentra a su marido con losojos llenos de lágrimas, dispuesto a desaparecer de su vida y de la de losdemás. Sin dar más explicaciones que unos balbuceos incomprensibles, León huye,dejando a Alma sola y a punto de dar a luz.Salvador es el cuñado de Alma, también psiquiatra. Pese a estar casado con lahermana de la protagonista, Salvador, un hombre mucho más conservador que León,está profundamente enamorado de ella. De ahí que, cuando Alma le pide que laayude a encontrar a su marido desaparecido, él no pueda negarse, pese a que sulógica le indique que se va a meter en un lío terrible.La única pista a seguir es un manuscrito sobre la histeria y la sexualidadfemenina basado en cuatro pacientes:Una actriz con manía persecutoria,una psicótica que intentó asesinar a su marido,una mujer con grave crisis de identidad sexual...y una desconocida que ha descubierto en su pasado un terrible secreto.Siguiendo esos indicios, Alma y Salvador inician una aventura a lo SherlockHolmes, donde la hipnosis, el amor, el peligro y todos los tabúes imaginablesse entrecruzan.

Barcelona, 1913.Alma is perhaps one of the most modern women of her day. Her father, Dr. Mira,is the nation’s foremost neurosurgeon. Her husband, Dr. Leon Pardo, alsopractices medicine as a psychiatrist. This summer, he visited Vienna and becamea follower of the revolutionary Dr. Sigmund Freud and his extraordinarilyscandalous, advanced theories about hysteria and sexuality.It all starts the afternoon Alma comes home and finds her husband in tears,about to disappear from her life and everyone else’s. Giving no moreexplanation than a few incoherent mumbles, Leon runs off, leaving Alma aloneand about to give birth.Salvador is Alma’s brother-in-law and a psychiatrist as well. Despite the factthat he is married to her sister, Salvador, a much more conservative man thanLeon, is deeply in love with Alma. That is why he cannot refuse when Alma askshim to help her find her missing husband, even though logic warns him he isgetting into a terrible mess.The only clue they have is a manuscript about hysteria and female sexualitybased on four patients:An actress with a persecution complex,a psychotic woman who tried to murder her husband,a woman with a serious crisis concerning her sexual identity…and a stranger who has discovered a terrible secret about her past.Following those signs, Alma and Salvador start a Sherlock Holmes kind ofadventure, where hypnosis, love, danger, and every imaginable taboo are allintertwined.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Watling, Leonor Alma
Cast Tosar, Luis Salvador
Cast Sampietro, Mercedes Mrs. Mingarro
Cast Puigcorbé, Juanjo Dr. Mira
Cast Brendemühl, Alex León
Cast Prims, Nuria Olivia
Cast Rayo, Ana Tórtola
Show full cast
  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Herrero, Gerardo
Directed by Oristrell, Joaquín
Executive Production Esteban, Marta
Executive Production Besuievsky, Mariela
Co-Production López Blanco, Javier
Co-Production Booth, Denise(Alemania)
Co-Production Branco, Paulo(Portugal)
Co-Production Pagani, Amedeo(Italia)
Line Production Gómez, Josean
Screenplay Oristrell, Joaquín
Screenplay Pelegrí, Teresa De
Screenplay Harari, Dominic
Cinematography Peracaula, Jaume
Score Moure, Sergio
Film Editing Santamaría, Miguel Ángel
Production Design - Art Direction Miquel, Llorenç
Costume Daigeler, Bina
Sound Mixer Meléndez, Jaume
Sound Design García Pastor, José
Re-recording mixer Bermúdez, José Antonio
Assistant Director Forn, Daniela
Casting López-Orós, Marta
Make-up Soler, Karmele
Hairdressing Rodríguez, Paco
Special Effects Fuste, Joan
Special Effects Orco
Visual Effects Nieto, Alfonso
Visual Effects Telson
Steadicam Sánchez, Ramón
Show full crew
he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
Grant Amount
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General 815,523.90 €
Grants - Preservation of negatives and original supports 13,184.51 €
Grants - Reducing interest - Production 29,148.50 €
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2004
Production year 2004
Length Largometraje
Film Formats 35 mm.
Running time 112 minutos
Original footage 3.038 metros
Sound Studios Sonoblok
Emulsion Color
Aspect ratio Panorámico 1:1,85
Laboratories Madrid Film Lab
Laboratories El Laboratori (Barcelona)
Editing film format Avid
Edit Facilities Cinearte
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 10/13/2003
Ending shooting date 12/6/2003
Locations BARCELONA (Days: 40)
  • Other Titles of the Movie
Tag Information
Other titles Inconscio
Other titles Inconscients
Barcelona 08015 Barcelona Spain
Madrid Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28008 Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28013 Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Awards Section Person / Company
Iii Premios Barcelona De Cinema 2005 Del Col-Legi De Directors De Cinema De Catalunya Mejor película, mejor director, mejor guión, y mejor actor (Juanjo Puigcorbé)
Premios Cien De Cine 2005 Mejor Guión

Other films of the director

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