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Esta es una película de largo metraje hecha de 33 pequeñas piezas, de alrededorde tres minutos de duración, más un epílogo. Cada una de las piezas estádirigida por un director distinto y tiene por objeto denunciar algún aspecto dela realidad política y social española que se vio especialmente deterioradadurante la Legislatura de 2000 a 2004. En “¡Hay motivo!” nos animó el derecholegítimo a la libre expresión, quisimos abrir los ojos de los ciudadanos ymostrar algunos problemas que el Ejecutivo de los últimos años desatendió,manipuló, obvió o directamente escamoteó a la opinión pública.

This is a feature-length film made up of 33 smaller pieces of about three minutes each, plus an epilogue. Each of the shorts is directed by a different cinema director and aims at criticising some aspect of the political and social reality of Spain , which noticeably deteriorated during the legislature from 2000 to 2004. In “¡Hay motivo!” we were encouraged by the legitimate right to freedom of expression; we wanted to open the citizens´ eyes to some of the problems, either forgotten, manipulated, ignored, or directly dismissed by the Government of the last few years.

  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Oristrell, Joaquín.
Directed by Portabella, Pere.
Directed by Amo, Álvaro Del.
Directed by Trueba, David.
Directed by Querejeta, Gracia.
Directed by Coixet, Isabel.
Directed by Rebolledo, José Ángel.
Directed by Monleón, Sigfrid.
Directed by Bolláin, Icíar.
Directed by Gutiérrez, Chus.
Directed by Manuel, Víctor.
Directed by Olea, Pedro.
Directed by García Serrano, Yolanda.
Directed by García León, Víctor.
Directed by Díez, Ana.
Directed by Belzunegui, Bernardo.
Directed by Cuerda, José Luis.
Directed by Uribe, Imanol.
Directed by Díez, Miguel Ángel.
Directed by Colomo, Fernando.
Directed by Botto, Juan Diego.
Directed by Ungría, Alfonso..
Directed by García Sánchez, José Luis.
Directed by Cebrián, Daniel.
Directed by Wyoming, Gran.
Directed by Gómez Pereira, Manuel.
Directed by Médem, Julio.
Directed by Lluch, Mireia.
Directed by Ventura, Pere Joan.
Directed by Rivas, Manuel.
Directed by Aranda, Vicente.
Directed by Barroso, Mariano.
Directed by Betancor, Antonio.
Directed by Galán, Diego.
Executive Production Santana, Andrés
Show full crew
he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 112 min. 8/9/2004
Video Rating Runtime Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 112 min. seg. 12/9/2004
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2004
Production year 2004
Length Largometraje
Film Formats VIDEO DVD
Running time 112 minutos
Original footage 3.065 metros
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 2/25/2004
Ending shooting date 3/2/2004
Locations Spain - Madrid - (Days: N/E)
  • Other Titles of the Movie
Tag Information
Other titles II y a de quoi!
Other titles Libre; El plan hidrológico; La pesadilla; Cerrar los ojos; La insoportablelevedad del carrito de la compra; Soledad;
Other titles Adopción; Por tu bien; Adolescentes;El club de las mujeres muertas; Se vende colegio; Catequesis; Las barranquillas;
Other titles Madrid, mon amour; Por el mar corre la liebre...; Arma de destrucción;Manipulación; Mis treinta euros; Doble moral; Verja;
Other titles Español para extranjeros;¿Legalidad?; Muertos de segunda; Yak-42; La pelota vasca; Kontrastasun; Cena decapitanes;
Other titles Mayday: llamada general; Técnicas para un golpe de estado; El pasadoque te espera; La mosca cojonera
Titles - Notes Película compuesta de 33 cortometrajes cuyos títulos aparecen relacionados enel campo "Otros títulos".
Madrid 28016 Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28008 Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28033 Spain

Other films of the director

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