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Víctor Matellano


La Guerra terminó hace poco y el país se encuentra en un profundo proceso de cambio. El ferrocarril es el progreso y las diligencias han entrado en decadencia por el continuo peligro que suponen los bandidos. El Coronel es uno de ellos, un superviviente del viejo mundo, y sus compañeros Red y Cuba, su complemento perfecto. En una parada de diligencias perdida en el oeste americano donde nadie tiene intención de permanecer más tiempo del justo y necesario, la inesperada visita de un hombre al que llaman el Coronel altera las apacibles existencias de quienes allí están.

The Civil War ended and the country is undergoing a deep process of change. Railway translates into progress and the stagecoaches have gone in decline due to the constant threat posed by bandits. The Colonel is one of them – a survivor of the old world- and hispartners in crime, Red and Cuba, his perfect complement. In a stagecoach stop far away in the Wild West- where no one intends to stay more than the time needed - the unexpected visit of a man called ´Colonel´, will change their paceful lives.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Verónica Del Sol González Velilla
Cast Pablo Scola Pliego
Cast Tania Martín Watson
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Víctor Matellano
Screenplay Antonio Durán Estradas
Screenplay Víctor Matellano
Screenplay Juan Gabriel García Cantón
Cinematography Daniel Salas Alberola
Score José Ignacio Arrufat Calbet
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 18 Download signed Film Rating Certification Download signed Rating Correction document 91 min. 12/16/2016
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 12 Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 2 min. 16 seg. 8/4/2017
  • CREW
No info available
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 10/25/2015
Ending shooting date 12/11/2015
Locations Spain - MADRID, ALMERIA, GRANADA (Days: 33)
Granada 18009 Granada Spain
Baza 18800 Granada Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Las Rozas de Madrid 28231 Madrid Spain

Other films of the director

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