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En un mundo global cada vez más alejado del entorno natural, aún hay quien cuenta historias sobre árboles, seres fantásticos con poderes que escapan a nuestra imaginación. Y con ellos, desde el mismo momento en que la semilla germina, un duende es su compañero inseparable, juntos crecerán, florecerán, sufrirán. Sus destinos quedan unidos para siempre. Nacen y mueren a la vez, o al menos es lo que cuentan las viejas leyendas pero, ¿qué ocurre con los árboles de ciudad? Ahora están en peligro. Los árboles se mueren y con ellos sus duendes. Sólo hay una forma de ayudarles… "¡Salvar el árbol!"

In the forests of the Pyrenees, there are still people who tell stories of trees... of fantastic beings with powers beyond our imagination. And with those trees, from the very moment in which their seeds sprout, a pixie becomes their inseparable companion: together will grow, they will bloom, they will suffer... their destinies shall be forever bound. They born and they die together... or at least that´s what old legends say.
These pixies are invisible to humans. There was a time when boys and girls could see them, they were even friends from games and adventures. But ... at some point the boys and girls were distancing themselves from nature and lost that relationship. Today trees and pixies in the park are in danger, technology is going to replace them. They can only be saved if they get children to reconnect with them and with nature.
Trees die, and with them, so do their pixies. There´s only one way to help them... Save the tree! (Filmax - International Sales)

(Euskara) Ingurune naturaletik gero eta urrunago dagoen mundu global honetan, bada oraindik zuhaitzei buruzko istorioak kontatzen dituenik. Iratxoak, gure irudimenari ihes egiten dioten botereak dituzten izaki fantastikoak bizi dira bertan. Zuhaitzeko hazia ernetzen den unetik beretik, iratxo bat jaiotzen da. Bere patuak betiko lotuta geratzen dira. Edo, behintzat, elezahar zaharrenek hori kontatzen dute. Baina, zer gertatzen da hiriko zuhaitzekin? Orain arriskuan daude. Zuhaitzak bota nahi dituzte eta horiekin batera bertan bizi diren iratxoak desgertuko dira ere. Laguntzeko modu bakarra dago. Zutik eustea. (Barton Films)

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Animación / Animation
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Iker Álvarez
Directed by Haizea Pastor
Executive Production Idurre Cajaraville
Line Production Maite Arroita
Screenplay Segundo Altoagirre
Screenplay Yurre Ugarte
Screenplay Fernando Salem
Screenplay Matías Goldberg
Cinematography Haizea Pastor
Score Silvia San Miguel Asensio
Film Editing Óscar Eduardo
Film Editing Araiza Roldán
Other info Iván Oneka Diseñador de personajes
Animation Nelson Botter Jr. Director de animación
Show full crew
he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES AND ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN Download signed Film Rating Certification 74 min. 9/30/2021
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 1 min. 48 seg. 9/29/2021
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 0 min. 59 seg. 9/23/2021
Grant Amount
Grants - Production of Feature Films - Selective 425,000.00 €
  • CREW
Tag Information
Film Formats 2K - Color
Format Notes V.O. Euskera / O.V. Basque
Durango 48200 Vizcaya Spain
Durango 48002 Vizcaya Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Barcelona 08038 Barcelona Spain
Website: www.filmax.com
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Hospitalet de Llobregat, L' 08908 Barcelona Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Festival Internacional De Cine Iberoamericano De Huelva (2024) Cine de Verano
Festival Internacional De Cine Infantil De Valencia - Ficiv (2022) Sección Oficial
Premios Goya (2022) Nominación Mejor película de animación / Best Animated Film Nominee
  • Comments

Actores de doblaje / Voices: Jon Goiricelaya, Eba Ojanguren, Ana Begoña Egileor, Iker Díaz, Josu Varela, Imanol González

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