Toni y Emilio (Paco León y Ernesto Alterio) reciben la misma trágica llamada: sus mujeres están en coma tras un alud en una estación de esquí. Cuando se presentan en el mostrador de admisiones del hospital hacen un sorprendente descubrimiento: sus mujeres son, en realidad, la misma persona, Laura (Celia Freijeiro). Durante años, Laura ha llevado en secreto vidas paralelas, una salvaje montaña rusa a caballo entre sus dos familias. Obligados a convivir hasta que Laura despierte y pueda ser trasladada, Emilio y Toni luchan por demostrar quién de los dos es el único y auténtico marido. (Buena Vista International España)
Toni and Emilio both receive the same tragic phone call: their wives are in a coma after an avalanche at a ski resort. When they reach the admissions desk at the hospital, they make a startling discovery: their wives are, in fact, the same person... Laura. For years, Laura has been secretly leading parallel lives... and riding a crazy roller-coaster between her two families. Forced to stay together until Laura wakes up and can be moved from the hospital, Emilio and Toni find themselves embroiled in a fight to prove who is her one and only, true husband. (Filmax - International Sales)
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Paco León | Toni |
Cast | Ernesto Alterio | Emilio |
Cast | Celia Freijeiro | Laura Sánchez |
Cast | Raúl Cimas | Médico |
Cast | Kirill Bunegin | Vladimir |
Cast | Emma Hernández | Lucía |
Cast | Lucía Gómez | Ana |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Directed by | Lucía Alemany | |
Production | Eneko Lizarraga | |
Production | Ghislain Barrois | |
Production | Álvaro Augustín | |
Production | Francisco Sánchez Ortíz | |
Executive Production | Sandra Hermida | |
Executive Production | Mónica Iturriaga | |
Line Production | Begoña Muñoz Corcuera | |
Screenplay | Pablo Alén | |
Screenplay | Breixo Corral | |
Cinematography | Josu Incháustegui | |
Cinematography | Hernán Pérez | |
Cinematography | Ibón Antuñano Totorika | |
Score | Vanessa Garde | |
Film Editing | Raúl De Torres | |
Production Design - Art Direction | Idoia Esteban | |
Costume | Cristina Rodríguez | |
Sound Mixer | Javier González Cruz | |
Sound Design | Laura Tomás | |
Re-recording mixer | Yasmina Praderas | |
Assistant Director | Manel Martínez | |
Casting | Juana Martínez | |
Make-up | Rebeca Rueda Rodríguez | |
Hairdressing | Natalia Méndez | |
Still Photographer | Diego López Calvin |
Grant | Amount |
Grants - Production of Feature Films - General | 560,000.00 € |
No info available |
- Film Info
Tag | Information |
Star-up shooting date | 2/21/2022 |
Ending shooting date | 4/6/2022 |
Locations | Spain - Huesca - Ext e int. Varios (Days: 15) |
Locations | Spain - Madrid - Escorial, El - Ext e Int. Varios (Days: 12) |
Locations | Spain - Madrid - Navacerrada - Ext e Int Varios (Days: 2) |
Locations | Spain - Madrid - Collado Villalba - Ext e int. Varios (Days: 8) |