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Lucía Alemany


Toni y Emilio (Paco León y Ernesto Alterio) reciben la misma trágica llamada: sus mujeres están en coma tras un alud en una estación de esquí. Cuando se presentan en el mostrador de admisiones del hospital hacen un sorprendente descubrimiento: sus mujeres son, en realidad, la misma persona, Laura (Celia Freijeiro). Durante años, Laura ha llevado en secreto vidas paralelas, una salvaje montaña rusa a caballo entre sus dos familias. Obligados a convivir hasta que Laura despierte y pueda ser trasladada, Emilio y Toni luchan por demostrar quién de los dos es el único y auténtico marido. (Buena Vista International España)

Toni and Emilio both receive the same tragic phone call: their wives are in a coma after an avalanche at a ski resort. When they reach the admissions desk at the hospital, they make a startling discovery: their wives are, in fact, the same person... Laura. For years, Laura has been secretly leading parallel lives... and riding a crazy roller-coaster between her two families. Forced to stay together until Laura wakes up and can be moved from the hospital, Emilio and Toni find themselves embroiled in a fight to prove who is her one and only, true husband. (Filmax - International Sales)

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Paco León Toni
Cast Ernesto Alterio Emilio
Cast Celia Freijeiro Laura Sánchez
Cast Raúl Cimas Médico
Cast Kirill Bunegin Vladimir
Cast Emma Hernández Lucía
Cast Lucía Gómez Ana
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Lucía Alemany
Production Eneko Lizarraga
Production Ghislain Barrois
Production Álvaro Augustín
Production Francisco Sánchez Ortíz
Executive Production Sandra Hermida
Executive Production Mónica Iturriaga
Line Production Begoña Muñoz Corcuera
Screenplay Pablo Alén
Screenplay Breixo Corral
Cinematography Josu Incháustegui
Cinematography Hernán Pérez
Cinematography Ibón Antuñano Totorika
Score Vanessa Garde
Film Editing Raúl De Torres
Production Design - Art Direction Idoia Esteban
Costume Cristina Rodríguez
Sound Mixer Javier González Cruz
Sound Design Laura Tomás
Re-recording mixer Yasmina Praderas
Assistant Director Manel Martínez
Casting Juana Martínez
Make-up Rebeca Rueda Rodríguez
Hairdressing Natalia Méndez
Still Photographer Diego López Calvin
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 12 Download signed Film Rating Certification 102 min. 12/9/2022
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 1 min. 46 seg. 12/21/2022
Grant Amount
Grants - Production of Feature Films - General 560,000.00 €
  • CREW
No info available
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 2/21/2022
Ending shooting date 4/6/2022
Locations Spain - Huesca - Ext e int. Varios (Days: 15)
Locations Spain - Madrid - Escorial, El - Ext e Int. Varios (Days: 12)
Locations Spain - Madrid - Navacerrada - Ext e Int Varios (Days: 2)
Locations Spain - Madrid - Collado Villalba - Ext e int. Varios (Days: 8)
Madrid 28012 Madrid Spain
Alcobendas 28049 Madrid Spain
Madrid 28012 Madrid Spain
Pozuelo de Alarcón 28223 Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28016 Madrid Spain
Website: disney.es/
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Hospitalet de Llobregat, L' 08908 Barcelona Spain

Other films of the director

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