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Enrique Gato


A Tadeo le encantaría que sus colegas arqueólogos le aceptasen como a uno más, pero siempre acaba liándola: destroza un sarcófago y desata un conjuro que pone en peligro la vida de sus amigos, Momia, Jeff y Belzoni. Con todos en contra y solo ayudado por Sara, Tadeo emprenderá una huida llena de aventuras, que le llevará de México a Chicago y de París a Egipto, para encontrar la manera de acabar con la maldición de la momia.

Tad would love to be seen as just another archaeologist amongst his colleagues but as always he blows it: he ruins an Olmec Pyramid only to unleash a spell that threatens the lives of his friends. When everyone turns against him, Tad embarks on an adventure-filled journey that will take him from Mexico to Chicago and from Paris to Egypt to find a way to end the curse of the Mummy.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Animación / Animation
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Enrique Gato
Production Edmon Roch
Production Ghislain Barrois
Production Nico Matji
Production Álvaro Augustín
Production Javier Ugarte
Production Marc Sabé
Screenplay Manuel Burque
Screenplay Josep Gatell
Cinematography David Alonso
Cinematography Pepe Cazorla
Score Zacarías M. De La Riva
Film Editing Alexander Adams
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES AND ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN Download signed Film Rating Certification 89 min. 7/18/2022
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 2 min. 3 seg. 6/15/2022
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 0 min. 56 seg. 12/17/2021
Grant Amount
Grants - Production of Feature Films - General 840,000.00 €
  • CREW
No info available
Barcelona 8024 Barcelona Spain
Alcobendas 28049 Madrid Spain
Barcelona 08029 Barcelona Spain
Barcelona 08028 Barcelona Spain
Madrid 28020 Madrid Spain
Website: www.lbox.es
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28027 Madrid Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Awards Section Person / Company
Premios Gaudí (2023) Mejor película de animación / Best Animated Film - Premio Gaudí / Gaudí Award

Participation in Festivals Section
Festival Internacional De Cine Iberoamericano De Huelva (2023) Cine Club
Premios Goya (2023) Nominación Mejor película de animación / Best Animated Film Nominee
  • Comments

Voces / Voices: Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Tito Valverde, Alexandra Jiménez, Cecilia Suárez, José Corbacho, Luis Posada

Other films of the director

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