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Doce cortometrajes, doce retratos de la ciudad de San Sebastián. Nombres históricos y jóvenes promesas de la cinematografía guipuzcoana conviven en esta película impulsada por Donostia / San Sebastián 2016, Capital Europea de la Cultura.

Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian. Historic names and young promises in the field of movies made in Gipuzkoa come together in his film promoted by San Sebastian, European Capital of Culture 2016.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Kandido Uranga Arakistain
Cast Bárbara Goenaga Bilbao
Cast Marta Etura Palenzuela
Cast Miren Ibarguren Agudo
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Julio Medem Lafont
Directed by Imanol Uribe Bilbao
Directed by Daniel Calparsoro López-Tapia
Directed by Isabel Herguera García
Directed by Borja Cobeaga Eguillor
Directed by Gracia Andrea Querejeta Marín
Directed by Koldo Almandoz De La Cruz
Directed by María Elorza Deias
Screenplay Julio Medem Lafont
Screenplay Daniel Calparsoro López-Tapia
Screenplay Borja Cobeaga Eguillor
Screenplay Inko Martin Mancisidor
Screenplay Koldo Almandoz De La Cruz
Screenplay María Elorza Deias
Cinematography Kalo Berridi
Score Francisco Javier Vicente Calderón
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 12 Download signed Film Rating Certification 111 min. 10/24/2016
Donostia/San Sebastián 20003 Guipúzcoa Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Donostia/San Sebastián 20010 Guipúzcoa Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
San Sebastian International Film Festival (2016) Velódromo

Other films of the director

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