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“Cuatro Estaciones” es una comedia juvenil y refrescante, con ingredientes tan numerosos y originales como los que componen las pizzas de la Pizzería Pizzicato, eje central de la historia.Durante las cuatro estaciones de un año, veremos cómo transcurre el romance de Mario y Mariona, rodeados de sus peculiares compañeros de trabajo. En la pizzería compartirán sus aventuras y desventuras en torno a la vida, el futuro y, cómo no, elamor.

“Four seasons” is a refreshing, young comedy with ingredients which are as numerous and varied as those of the Pizzas from the Pizzeria Pizzicato which is at the hub of our story.During the four seasons of the year, we will see how the romance between Mario and Mariona progresses, surrounded by their strange workmates. At the pizzeria they share adventures and misfortunes in life, the future and of course love.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Leticia Dolera Mariona
Cast David Verdaguer Mario
Cast Antonio Valero
Cast Jordi Vilches Becario
Cast Cristina Fernández Julie
Cast Francesc Tormo Fernando
Cast Iván Morales Albert
Cast Sergio Caballero Administrador
Cast Brady Sharkan Mahatma
Cast Olga Alemán Lina
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Nathalie Martínez
Production Ramón Colom
Directed by Barrena, Marcel
Executive Production Oriol Maymó
Line Production Marc Álvarez
Screenplay Marcel Barrena
Cinematography Óscar Montesinos Martínez
Score Maxi Valero
Film Editing Martí Roca Collel
Costume Olga Rodal
Sound Xavi Mulet
Assistant Director Sergi Ruiz Gerónimo
Casting Cristina Campos
Make-up Eva Fontanla
Make-up Paula Sánchez
Hairdressing Eva Fontenla
Hairdressing Paula Sánchez
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 84 min. 12/4/2009
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2009
Production year 2009
Length Largometraje
Running time 84 minutos
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Locations Spain - Barcelona - (Days: 10)
Locations Spain - Valencia - (Days: 10)
Bétera 46117 Valencia Spain
Valencia Valencia Spain
Barcelona 08017 Barcelona Spain
Barcelona 08027 Barcelona Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Barcelona 08027 Barcelona Spain

Other films of the director

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