La llegada de un misterioso grabado sobre el Martirio de San Sebastián al Palacio de la Aljafería (Zaragoza) despierta el espíritu de sus viejos inquisidores haciendo renacer los invencibles designios de la culpa y el deseo.
The arrival of a mysterious engraving about Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian at the Historic Palace of the Aljafería (Zaragoza) awakens the spirit of its old inquisitors, reviving the invincible designs of guilt and desire.
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Antonio Ayesta | |
Cast | Ingrid Magrinyá | |
Cast | Félix Martín Martínez | |
Cast | Ana Portolés |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Directed by | J. A. Andrés Lacasta | |
Associate Production | Óscar Llorente | |
Associate Production | Javier Espada | |
Screenplay | J. A. Andrés Lacasta | |
Cinematography | Jorge Armengod | |
Cinematography | Jorge Yetano | |
Score | Pablo Contreras | |
Film Editing | Jorge Yetano | |
Production Design - Art Direction | J. A. Andrés Lacasta | |
Costume | J. Alberto Andrés Lacasta | |
Costume | Leonor Villaluenga | |
Sound Design | Daniel Peña Barredo | |
Assistant Director | Carmen Pérez | |
Make-up | Ana Bruned | |
Special Effects | Diego Martín | |
Colour Grading | Jorge Yetano |
Tag | Information |
Film Formats | 4K - 16/9 - Color - 5.1 |
Language - Notes | Subtítulos disponibles: inglés / Available Subtitles: English |
Huesca 22005 Huesca Spain