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“Hispanoamérica, canto de vida y esperanza” es la nueva película documental dirigida por el reconocido cineasta José Luis López-Linares, tres veces ganador del Premio Goya. Se trata de un proyecto que ofrece una visión renovada, veraz y visualmente poderosa de cómo nació y se desarrolló la América Española. Iniciada en noviembre de 2022, se ha rodado en Ecuador, España, Perú, Bolivia, México y Estados Unidos.
Con entrevistas a más de sesenta historiadores y expertos internacionales, fundamentalmente americanos, la película muestra, a través del esplendor visual que constituye el patrimonio
arquitectónico, pictórico, escultórico y musical de la época, la gran historia compartida entre España y América durante más de trescientos años, aún vigente a día de hoy. (Fuente: Bosco Films)

HISPANO AMERICA, song of life and hope is the new documentary film directed by renowned filmmaker José Luis López-Linares, three-time winner of the Goya Award. It is a project that offers a renewed, truthful and visually powerful vision of how Spanish America was born and developed. Started in November 2022, it has been filmed in Ecuador, Spain, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and the United States.
With interviews with more than sixty international historians and experts, mainly American, the film shows, through the visual splendor that constitutes the architectural, pictorial, sculptural and musical heritage of the time, the great history shared between Spain and America for more than three hundred years, still valid today. (Source: www.boscofilms.es)

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Documental / Documentary
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by José Luis López-Linares
Associate Production Alfredo Goyantes
Associate Production Ana Zabía
Associate Production Andrés Tovar Pardo
Associate Production Beatriz Paredes
Associate Production Benito M. Rodríguez Freites
Associate Production Javier López-Linares
Associate Production Juan López-Linares
Line Production Cristina Moñívar Martínez
Production Manager Pilar Barbat
Screenplay José Luis López-Linares
Screenplay Víctor Escribano
Cinematography José Luis López-Linares
Score Jorge Magaz
Film Editing Pablo Blanco Guzmán
Film Editing Víctor Escribano
Sound Andrés Recio Illán
Re-recording mixer Víctor Rafael Puertas Tarjuelo
Production assistants Pedro Otero
Colour Grading Andrea Martínez Pueche
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Film Rating Certification 115 min. 2/16/2024
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 1 min. 53 seg. 3/25/2024
  • CREW
No info available
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 12/5/2022
Ending shooting date 9/30/2023
Locations Ecuador - Ecuador/Bolivia/Perú (Days: 15)
Locations Mexico - Varios (Days: 15)
Locations Spain - Varios (Days: 10)
Locations United States of America - USA (The) - Texas (Days: 5)
Madrid 28010 Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28001 Madrid Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Ficg. Festival Internacional De Cine En Guadalajara (2024) Comunidad de Madrid. Invitado de Honor

Other films of the director

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