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Ibon Cormenzana


Tras sufrir una violación por parte de un conocido, Anna se aísla en una cabaña en el bosque incapaz de afrontar su situación. A partir de entonces pierde la relación con su novio, amistades y familia y se refugia en la naturaleza para superar su trauma. La vergüenza, el dolor, la culpa y la soledad la acompañarán en este viaje personal durante meses.

After being sexually assaulted by an acquainted and incapable of dealing with the situation, a woman leaves her whole life behind and hides herself away in an isolated cabin in the mountains.
Forgoing her relationships with her boyfriend, family and friends, she takes refuge in nature in an attempt to overcome her trauma. Shame, pain, guilt and loneliness will be her companions as she embarks on this very personal journey.

(Català) Una dona, després de sofrir una violació per un conegut, trenca amb la seva vida i s´aïlla en una cabanya perduda en la muntanya, incapaç d´afrontar la seva situació. Perd la relació amb el seu nuvi, amistats i família i es refugia en la naturalesa per a superar el seu trauma. La vergonya, el dolor, la culpa i la solitud l´acompanyessin en aquest viatge personal durant mesos.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Manuela Vallés Ella
Cast Andrés Gertrúdix Lolo
Cast Luis Hostalots Joan
Cast Javier Tolosa Ginecólogo
Cast Cintia Ballbé Juana
Cast Tasio Cormenzana Niño parque
Cast Rita Cormenzana Bebé
Cast Roberto Álamo Voz Padre
Cast Cristina Perinyá Granjera
Cast Gabriel Vilaplana I Morera Granjero
Cast Nüll García Voz contestador
Show full cast
  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Ibon Cormenzana
Production Ibon Cormenzana
Production Manuela Vallés
Production Juana Vellés
Line Production Juana Vellés
Production Manager Juana Vellés
Screenplay Ibon Cormenzana
Screenplay Manuela Vallés
Cinematography Alejo Levis
Score Lucas Vidal
Film Editing Alejo Levis
Production Design - Art Direction Manuela Vallés
Production Design - Art Direction Juana Vellés
Costume Manuela Vallés
Sound Mixer Ove Hermida-Carro
Sound Design Eric Arajol Burgués
Re-recording mixer Marc Orts
Make-up Manuela Vallés
Camera Operators Alejo Levis
Show full crew
he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 16 Download signed Film Rating Certification 78 min. 12/30/2021
Barcelona 08036 Barcelona Spain
Bilbao 48001 Vizcaya Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Hospitalet de Llobregat, L' 08908 Barcelona Spain
Website: www.filmax.com
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Hospitalet de Llobregat, L' 08908 Barcelona Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Festival Internacional De Cinema De Barcelona - Sant Jordi (Bcn Film Fest) (2022) Sección Oficial

Other films of the director

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