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OT: La película es la ocasión perfecta para ver desde dentro, desde el centromismo del huracán, todo lo que ha pasado durante la gira de las estrellas deOperación triunfo.Además de una impresionante selección de canciones, incluye entrevistas yconversaciones íntimas inéditas con los protagonistas, donde se confiesan sobresus sentimientos, sus momentos de alegría, sus temores de cara al futuro...Este documental, repleto de momentos mágicos, permite descubrir los secretos deunos jóvenes que se han convertido en ídolos para mucha gente

OT: The film is the perfect occasion to get an inside view of everything thathappened during the tour of the Operación Triunfo stars, a view from the verycentre of the hurricane. As well as an impressive selection of songs, itincludes interviews and unedited intimate conversations with the stars in whichthey talk about their feelings, their moments of joy and their fears about thefuture…. This documentary, full of magical moments, reveals the secrets of agroup of young people who have become idols for many people.

OT: Le film est l’occasion parfaite de vivre, de l’intérieur, du centre même del’ouragan, tout ce qui s’est passé au cours de la tournée des vedettesd’Opération triomphe. Outre une fantastique sélection de chansons, le filminclut des interviews et des entretiens intimes inédits avec les chanteurs, aucours desquels ils parlent de leurs sentiments, leurs moments de joie, leurscraintes pour l’avenir… Ce documentaire, plein de moments magiques, permet dedécouvrir les secrets d’un groupe de jeunes qui sont devenus des idoles pourbeaucoup de gens.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Alejandro
Cast Alex
Cast Bustamante
Cast Chenoa
Cast David Bisbal
Cast Geno
Cast Gisela
Cast Javian
Cast Juan
Cast Manu Tenorio
Cast Mireia
Cast Naim Thomas
Cast Natalia
Cast Núria Fergó
Cast Rosa
Cast Verónica
Show full cast
  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Fernández, Julio
Directed by Balagueró, Jaume
Directed by Plaza, Paco
Executive Production Fernández, Carlos
Executive Production Rodríguez, Juan Ramón
Line Production Prous, Ricardo
Line Production Gefaell, Teresa
Screenplay Balagueró, Jaume
Screenplay Plaza, Paco
Cinematography Rosso, Pablo
Score Varios
Film Editing Gallart, David
Production Design - Art Direction Massagué, Josep
Sound Mixer Oliveira, Licio Marcos De
Re-recording mixer Monrós, Jordi
Assistant Director Izquierdo, Fernando
Casting Espelleta, Mercé
Make-up Trench, Paquita
Make-up Latorre, Sergio
Hairdressing Trench, Paquita
Hairdressing Latorre, Sergio
Steadicam Marin, Axel
Other info Director Postproducción:
Other info Pérez Villar, Jesús L.
Show full crew
he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 90 min. 9/26/2002
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 2 min. seg. 7/17/2002
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2002
Production year 2002
Length Largometraje
Film Formats Betacam Digital - DV Cam a 35 mm.
Running time 90 minutos
Original footage 2.538 mt.
Sound Studios Soundtrack
Emulsion Eastmancolor
Aspect ratio 16/9 - Panorámico 1:1,85
Laboratories Image Film
Edit Facilities Filmtel, S.A.
Transfer Filmtel
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 4/9/2002
Ending shooting date 6/4/2002
Locations SEVILLA,MADRID (Days: N/E)
  • Other Titles of the Movie
Tag Information
Other titles OT: Le film
Castellet i la Gornal 08908 Barcelona Spain
Barcelona 08024 Barcelona Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Hospitalet de Llobregat, L' 08908 Barcelona Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
L´Hospitalet de Llobregat 08908 Barcelona Spain
Website: www.filmax.com
Barcelona 08024 Spain

Other films of the director

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