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Chus Gutiérrez


Paco y Camila van a casarse, pero no saben que eso desatará una lucha entre sus madres por ver quién decide hasta el mínimo detalle de la boda. Carmen, la madre de Paco, es una experta en el chantaje sentimental para conseguir lo que quiere. Mientras que Catalina, la madre de Regina, es una experta en usar sus contactos para presionar y extorsionar a la gente hasta que se cumpla su más mínimo capricho. La lucha de ambas desata una batalla de proporciones épicas, donde no quedará nada en pie. (Fuente: A Contracorriente Films)

Paco and Regina are engaged, but they don´t know that this will unleash a fight between their mothers to organise the wedding. Carmen, Paco´s mother, is an expert in sentimental blackmail. While Catalina, Regina´s mother, is an expert in pressuring and extorting people. Their struggle unleashes a battle of epic proportions, where nothing will be left standing.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Carmina Barrios Carmen
Cast Patricia Bernal Catalina
Cast Paulina Goto Camila
Cast Salva Reina Paco
Cast Saúl Lisazo Humberto
Cast Laura Galán Cai
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Chus Gutiérrez
Production Álvaro Ariza
Executive Production María Luisa Gutiérrez
Line Production Axier Pérez
Line Production Pedro José De La Fuente García
Production Manager David González
Screenplay Ángela Obón
Screenplay Sabina Méndez
Screenplay Marco Lagarde
Cinematography Javier Salmones
Score María Vertiz
Film Editing Julia Juániz
Production Design - Art Direction Clara Ibarrola
Sound Mixer Antonio Mejías
Sound Design Tanya H. Vasquez
Casting Jessica Caldrello
Make-up Sylvie Imbert
Hairdressing Sylvie Imbert
Production assistants María Sánchez
Colour Grading Raquel De La Haza
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 Download signed Film Rating Certification 84 min. 12/21/2023
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 1 min. 28 seg. 6/27/2024
Grant Amount
Grants - Production of Feature Films - General 1,000,000.00 €
  • CREW
No info available
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Locations Spain - Madrid - Madrid (Days: 20)
Locations Mexico - México (Days: 3)
  • Other Titles of the Movie
Tag Information
Other titles Tu madre o la mía: Guerra de suegras
Cádiz 11006 Cádiz Spain
Donostia/San Sebastián 20004 Guipúzcoa Spain
Cádiz 11006 Cádiz Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Barcelona 08006 Barcelona Spain
  • Comments

Reparto adicional / Additional Cast: Antonio Meléndez, Montserrat Alcoverro, Alba Gutiérrez, Alain Kortázar, Pietro Olivera, Julián Valcárcel, Juan De Vera, Sara Ruíz, Juan Gómez, Janfri Topera, Fernando Colomo, Eduardo Navarrete, Bruto Pomeroy, Saturnino García, Carlos Olalla, Enrique Villén, Chus Gutiérrez, Manuel Tallafé, Juana Andueza, Amalio Gálvez, Manuel Gálvez, María De Felipe, Rosa María Pellicer, Margarita Vargas, Ana Chamorro, Dito Castro, Arturo Vázquez, Charlotte La Femme, Miss Loot, Roberto Freire, Aitana Domínguez, Alejandro Bertero.

Other films of the director

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