Ana es un espíritu libre que vuelca su pasión por la vida en la pintura.Justine, una mecenas cosmopolita, le invita a completar su formación en Madridjunto al grupo de artistas que protege. Será el comienzo de un viaje no sólofísico, que la llevará a descubrir nuevos continentes, vidas pasadas y mitosremotos. Ana intentará romper la cadena de violencia ancestral que asoma en laspuertas que pinta, y al final de la aventura elegirá si se convierte enmonstruo o en princesa. "Caótica Ana" es la historia-viaje de Ana durantecuatro años de su vida, de los 18 a los 22. Una cuenta atrás, 10, 9, 8, 7…Hasta el 0, como en la hipnosis, a través de la cual Ana comprueba que no vivesola, que su existencia parece la continuación de otras vidas de mujeresjóvenes que murieron de forma trágica y que habitan en el abismo de su memoriainconsciente. Ese es su caos.
Ana is a beautiful 18 year old free-spirited girl living in Ibiza. She devotesher passion for life into her naive paintings. One day, Justine, acosmopolitan patron of the arts, invites Ana to explore her work further bymoving to Madrid, where she will live amongst a group of young artists thatJustine protects. This is the beginning of a journey that will send Ana to newcontinents, prompting her to uncover, through hypnosis, her past lives thathave crossed centuries of remote myths. Ana will be challenged to break thechain of ancestral violence that lingers in her chaotic soul.
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Manuela Vellés | Ana |
Cast | Charlotte Rampling | Justine |
Cast | Bebe | Linda |
Cast | Asier Newman | Anglo |
Cast | Nicolas Cazalé | Said |
Cast | Raul Peña | Lucas |
Cast | Gerrit Graham | Mr. Halcon |
Cast | Matthias Habich | Klaus |
Cast | Luis Homar | Ismael |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Directed by | Medem, Julio | |
Executive Production | Koldo Zuazua | |
Executive Production | Simón De Santiago | |
Executive Production | Enrique López Lavigne | |
Executive Production | Julio Medem | |
Co-Production | Sebastián Álvarez | |
Line Production | Koldo Zuazua | |
Screenplay | Julio Medem | |
Cinematography | Mario Montero | |
Score | Jocelyn Pook | |
Film Editing | Julio Medem | |
Production Design - Art Direction | Montse Sanz | |
Costume | Estíbaliz Markiegi | |
Sound Mixer | Iván Marín | |
Sound Design | Polo Aledo | |
Assistant Director | Sara Mazkiarán | |
Casting | Sara Bilbatúa | |
Casting | Juliette Menager | |
Make-up | Ana López Puigcerver | |
Hairdressing | Sergio Pérez | |
Camera Operators | Mario Montero | |
Other info | Ayudante De Montaje: Yago Muñiz | |
Other info | Foto Fija: Diego López Calvín |
Film Rating | Duration | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 120 min. | 8/13/2007 |
Trailer Rating | Runtime | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 3 min. seg. | 7/24/2007 |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 2 min. seg. | 5/22/2007 |
Video Rating | Runtime | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 120 min. seg. | 12/24/2007 |
Grant | Amount |
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General | 859,989.36 € |
Grants - Preservation of negatives and original supports | 38,814.55 € |
Grants - Reducing interest - Production | 33,950.00 € |
Grants for the Amortisation of Feature Films | 45,262.60 € |
Tag | Information |
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue | 2007 |
Production year | 2007 |
Length | Largometraje |
Film Formats | HDCam a 35 mm. |
Running time | 113 minutos |
Emulsion | Color |
Aspect ratio | Panorámico 1/1´85 |
Camera model | SONY HDC-F950 SR |
- Film Info
Tag | Information |
Star-up shooting date | 2/13/2006 |
Ending shooting date | 5/12/2006 |
Locations | Spain - Guadalajara - (Days: 67) |