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Ignacio Nacho


Enrique y Víctor eran íntimos amigos durante su etapa universitaria. Un absurdo contratiempo, asociado a la inmadurez, provocó su distanciamiento. Enrique ha decidido romper el hielo contactando a su viejo amigo. Víctor accede entusiasta a la cita, aunque, ignora el motivo real del encuentro.

Enrique and Víctor were close friends during their university years. An absurd mishap associated with immaturity, caused a distance between the two that lasted for years. Enrique has contacted his old friend, summoning him to his house. Víctor enthusiastically agrees to the meeting, although, unfortunately, he ignores the real reason for the meeting.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Mara Guil Paloma
Cast Ignacio Nacho Enrique
Cast Salva Reina Víctor
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Ignacio Nacho
Production Carlota Amor
Production Juan Jose Amor
Production José Luis Rancaño
Production Mamen Espinosa
Production Salva Reina
Line Production Mar Fernández
Line Production Mónica Cabrerizo
Screenplay Ignacio Nacho
Cinematography Alfredo López
Score Paloma Peñarrubia
Film Editing Alfredo López
Production Design - Art Direction Sergio Hernández
Costume Elena Fernández De La Quadra
Sound Mixer Suresh Shahdadpuri
Sound Design Jorge Marín
Sound Design Suresh Shahdadpuri
Assistant Director Javier Rodríguez Espinosa
Assistant Director Vladimir Ráez
Make-up Ara García
Hairdressing Ara García
Still Photographer Víctor Jiménez Rodríguez
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 12 Download signed Film Rating Certification 101 min. 8/12/2022
  • CREW
No info available
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 7/5/2021
Ending shooting date 7/28/2021
Locations Spain - Málaga - Jarazmin (Days: 21)
Madrid 28047 Madrid Spain
Málaga 29004 Málaga Spain
Roquetas de Mar 04740 Almería Spain
Madrid 28047 Madrid Spain
Cascante 31520 Navarra Spain
Málaga 29008 Málaga Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Santander 39007 Cantabria Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Awards Section Person / Company
Festival De Málaga (2022) Largometrajes Zonacine Sección Oficial - Premio Escuelas de Cine al mejor Largometraje de Zonazine

Participation in Festivals Section
Festival De Cine De Comedia De Tarazona Y El Moncayo (2022) Certamen de Largometrajes

Other films of the director

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