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Ane, de 13 años, ha perdido la visión. Mientras sus padres andan ocupados en tratar de operarla una y otra vez, ella ha entrado en la pubertad y se hace preguntas: ¿Qué es estar buena? ¿Puedo yo gustar a alguien? Durante las vacaciones en la casafamiliar de un pueblo costero, irrumpe su tío Antonio, un fotógrafo que ha recorrido medio mundo, como un soplo de aire fresco. Es el verano del primer amor… y la primera regla. Con Antonio, Ane descubre la fotografía. Cámara en mano como undetective,y para desesperación de su madre, Ane va captando escenas cotidianas, hasta que se encuentra con cosas que nadie quiere ver o enseñar ... Lejos de asumirse como víctima, Ane luchará por encontrar su propio camino como adolescente y como ciega.

Ane, 13 years old, has lost her sight. While her parents are busy trying to operate on her time and again, she enters puberty and starts questioning: ‘What is it to be fit?’ ‘Will anyone fancy me?’As they holiday in the family house in a coastal village, Antonio, her father’s cousin, bursts in like a gust of spring breeze. He is an enigmatic photographer who has been around half the world. For Ane, it is the summer of first love… and herfirstperiod.With Antonio, she discovers photography. Camera in hand, like a detective and to the chagrin of her mother, she captures their daily life, until she comes upon what no one wants to see or acknowledge … Rather than see herself as a victim, Anefights toforge her own path, as an adolescent and a blind.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Jacqueline Duarte
Cast Leyre Berrocal
Cast Josean Bengoetxea
Cast Víctor Clavijo
Cast Pello Madariaga
Cast Ramón Ibarra
Cast Miriam Martín
Cast Irene Bau
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Solores, Maru
Executive Production Carlos Juárez
Executive Production Raquel Perea
Co-Production Alvaro Alonso
Co-Production Philipp Dettmer
Associate Production Elena Gozalo (Eitb)
Screenplay Maru Solores
Screenplay Ruth Rehmet
Cinematography Frank Amann
Score Pablo Cervantes
Film Editing Juan Ortuoste
Production Design - Art Direction Mario Suances
Sound Martín Guridi
Assistant Director Emilio Pérez Pérez
Make-up Amaia Zaballa
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 91 min. 1/16/2012
Grant Amount
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General 4,188.70 €
Grants - Feature films project 450,000.00 €
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2012
Production year 2012
Length Largometraje
Film Formats Digital
Running time 91 minutos
Camera model Red One
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 6/30/2010
Ending shooting date 10/2/2010
Locations Spain - Vizcaya - Muskiz - CASA PUEBLO (Days: 19)
Locations Spain - Vizcaya - Mundaka - CASAS PLAYA (Days: 11)
Bilbao 48006 Vizcaya Spain
Tomares 41940 Sevilla Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Zaragoza 50012 Zaragoza Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Festival De Cine De Bogotá 2012
Festival De Cine Y Televisión De León 2012
Festival De San Sebastián 2012 Zinemira
Festival Internacional De Hof (Alemania) 2012 Internationale Hofer Filmtage
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2012 Another View
Seminci 2011 De Valladolid Sección Punto de Encuentro

Other films of the director

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