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Luis Trapiello


Tras un derrumbe, Daniel queda atrapado junto a un grupo de mineros en una galería de 600 metros de profundidad. Afuera, los compañeros se volcarán en la lucha para salvarles la vida. Mientras tanto, en la galería comenzarán a producirse una serie de extraños sucesos que conformarán un angustioso crescendo en el que Daniel experimentará su particular descenso al corazón de las tinieblas con el único objetivo de sobrevivir y recuperar a su hijo.

After a collapse, Daniel is trapped with a group of miners in a gallery 600 metres underground. Above, his colleagues throw themselves into trying to save their lives.
Meanwhile, a series of strange events start to happen below in the gallery that will reach an anguished crescendo during which Daniel will experience his own private descent into the heart of darkness with the sole purpose of surviving and getting his son back.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Joaquín Furriel Daniel
Cast Candela Peña María
Cast Manuel Pizarro Soto
Cast José Antonio Lobato José
Cast Paula Prendes Marga
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Luis Trapiello
Production Rodolfo Pochat
Screenplay Luis Trapiello
Cinematography Lucio Bonelli
Score Ernesto Paredano
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 12 Download signed Film Rating Certification 101 min. 11/27/2018
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 2 min. 9 seg. 5/10/2019
Grant Amount
Grants - Production of Feature Films - Selective 76,509.66 €
  • CREW
No info available
Madrid 28002 Madrid Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28003 Madrid Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Awards Section Person / Company
Festival Internacional De Cine De Gijón (2018) Esbilla - Premio RTPA al mejor largometraje asturiano

Participation in Festivals Section
Festival De Cine De Madrid Fcm-Pnr (2019) Sección Oficial Largometraje PNR

Other films of the director

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