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Una periodista, Lola, de treinta y tantos años acude a cubrir la rueda deprensa con motivo de la concesión del Cervantes a María Zambrano. Apenas sitiene datos sobre ella, pero no los necesita porque casi de inmediato laspalabras de esta mujer despiertan su curiosidad más allá de la noticia. Lolasabe que Zambrano era profesora, casualmente como su madre, a diferencia de quela filósofa andaluza no pudo ejercer su magisterio, como tantos otrosintelectuales formados en la República, viéndose obligada a vivir un largoexilio. Lola queda cautivada con la personalidad de esta luchadora, hasta elpunto de que se lanza a realizar, no ya un reportaje, sino una película sobreella. La periodista no imaginó jamás que esta decisión –en definitiva, el haberconocido de cerca a María Zambrano– fuera a influir en su vida y sus peripeciasmás personales, que el espectador va descubriendo casi al tiempo que la mismaLola.

A thirty something year old journalist goes to cover a press conference whenMaría Zambrano has been awarded the Cervantes prize. She hardly knows anythingabout her but she doesn’t need to because almost immediately the words spokenby this woman arouse a feeling of curiosity in her which goes beyond the news.Lola knows that Zambrano was a teacher, coincidentally like her mother but withthe difference that the Andalusian philosopher could not exercise herprofession, just like many other intellectuals educated during the Republic,and was forced to live a long exile. Lola is captivated by the personality ofthis fighter, to the point where she produces not only a report but even makesa film about her. The journalist could never have imagined that this decisionto make close contact with María Zambrano, was to influence her life and hermost personal experiences. The spectator finds out about these almost at thesame time as Lola herself.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Bardem, Pilar María Zambrano
Cast Botto, María Lola
Cast O’Dogherty, Alex Pepe
Cast Diego, Juan Luis
Cast Galiana, María Carmen
Cast Dauder, Jordi Locutor
Cast Prada, Amancio Amancio Prada
Cast Godoy, Mamen Mari Paz
Cast Zorrilla, Mario Comisario de la exposición
Cast Vega, Esperanza De La Maquillaje
Cast García Ramos, Guillermo Periodista 3
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Lobatón, Paco
Production Pérez, Antonio
Directed by García Sánchez, José Luis
Executive Production Pérez, Antonio
Line Production Martínez, Carmen
Screenplay Azcona, Rafael
Plot García Sánchez, José Luis
Plot Azcona, Rafael
Cinematography Amorós A.E.C., Juan
Score Meliveo, Antonio
Film Editing Marimbert, Vanessa L.
Production Design - Art Direction Nolla, Sonia
Costume Arretxe, Eva
Sound Mixer Barros, Jaime
Sound Design Faruolo, Carlos
Re-recording mixer Raposo, Alfonso
Assistant Director Martín De Los Santos, Almudena
Make-up Hernández, Juan Pedro
Hairdressing Moreno, Gema
Visual Effects Nieto, Alfonso
Visual Effects Telson
Other info Documentación:
Other info Gullón, Carmen
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 93 min. 10/27/2004
Grant Amount
Grants - Distribution of Feature Films 20,000.00 €
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2004
Production year 2004
Length Largometraje
Film Formats Vídeo digital HD Alta Definición a 35 mm.
Running time 93 minutos
Original footage 2.520 metros
Sound Studios Exa, S.A.
Emulsion Color
Aspect ratio Panorámico 1:1,85
Laboratories Madrid Film Lab
Edit Facilities Resonancia Madrid, S.L.
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 5/10/2004
Ending shooting date 6/3/2004
Locations Spain - Madrid - Alcalá de Henares - (Days: 21)
Sevilla 41006 Sevilla Spain
Valencina de la Concepción 41907 Sevilla Spain
Sevilla Sevilla Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Madrid 28008 Madrid Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Awards Section Person / Company
49 Semana Internacional De Cine De Valladolid. Seminci 2004 Mejor actriz Pilar Bardem

Other films of the director

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