Don Manolito y don Estrafalario, personajes valleinclanescos pasan los últimos años de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera siguiendo las pistas de las piezas teatrales escritas por su admirado Ramón del Valle Inclán y prohibidas por ordengubernativa…Undíaencuentran una lectura de La hija del Capitán, retrato de los desquiciados soldaditos que volvían de perder la Colonia. Otra vez consiguen presenciar una de las escasas representaciones teatrales de Valle-Inclán: Los cuernos de don Friolera. Todoelloen espera del mejor estreno soñado por todos: el de la II República Española. Drama que también duró poco tiempo en cartel. Pero fue un hermoso sueño. Como los esperpentos de don Ramón.
Mr.Manolito and Mr.Estrafalario– characters of Valle-Inclán’s plays– spend the last days of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship chasing the plays written by their admired Valle-Inclán whose works are banned by a Government Law. One day, they find apiece ofThe Daughter of the Captain, a portrait of the crazy soldiers who returned home after losing the Spanish Colonies. In other occasion, they attend one of the limited performances of Valle-Inclán’s:The deceiving Mr. Friolera. They are just longingforthebest premiere ever: the Second Spanish Republic, a drama on for a very short time. It was a beautiful dream thought, like the Esperpentos (strange-looking characters) of Valle-Inclán.
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Juan Diego | |
Cast | Juan Luis Galiardo | |
Cast | Adriana Ozores | |
Cast | María Pujalte | |
Cast | Lara Grube | |
Cast | Antonio Dechent | |
Cast | Pilar Bardem | |
Cast | Paco Tous | |
Cast | Pepón Nieto | |
Cast | Magüi Mira | |
Cast | Jesús Franco | |
Cast | Julio Diamante | |
Cast | Manuel Morón | |
Cast | Pepe Quero | |
Cast | Sebastián Haro | |
Cast | Carolina Lapusa | |
Cast | Mabel Rivera | |
Cast | Cristina Collado |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Production | Juan Gona | |
Directed by | García Sánchez, Jose Luis | |
Screenplay | Jose Luis García Sánchez | |
Screenplay | Rafael Azcona | |
Plot | Basado En La Trilogía “Martes De Carnaval”De/Based On The Play By Ramón María Del Valle-Inclán | |
Cinematography | José Luis Alcaine | |
Cinematography | Javier Salmones | |
Score | Antonio Meliveo | |
Score | Milladoiro |
Film Rating | Duration | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 | 116 min. | 11/14/2008 |
Video Rating | Runtime | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 | 116 min. seg. | 8/13/2014 |
Grant | Amount |
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General | 193,287.80 € |
Grants - Feature films project | 00.00 € |
Tag | Information |
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue | 2008 |
Production year | 2008 |
Length | Largometraje |
Film Formats | 35 mm. |
Running time | 116 minutos |
Original footage | 3.164 metros |