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Plaza, Paco


Una mañana, Theodore Logan, respetado y exitoso empresario, conduce su cochehasta un apartado bosque donde inexplicablemente pone fin a su vida.Daniella Logan, su hija de veinticinco años, comienza a partir de entonces areconstruir los últimos días de la vida de su padre, a la búsqueda de unarespuesta, de una pista, de algo que le permita comprender porqué. La búsquedade Daniella le acerca a la figura de un hombre distinto al que ella conoció; seesfuma el rastro de padre amante, de hombre sacrificado y bueno que dedicó suvida a hacer feliz a su hija, y en su lugar aparece ante la nueva mirada de suhija un hombre despiadado, cruel y peligroso.Religión, intriga y muerte se entrelazan en esta historia de una mujer quelucha contra su destino, y descubre que bajo la apacible apariencia de supequeña comunidad hay una maraña de mentiras y misterios que la rodean hastaasfixiarla y empujarla al borde de la locura.

One morning Theodore Logan, a respected and successful businessman drives hiscar to a secluded wood where he inexplicably takes his own life.From this moment Daniella Logan, his twenty-five year old daughter starts toreconstruct the last days of her father’s life to find an answer, a clue,something to help her understand why he did it. In her search Danielladiscovers a different man from the one she knew. There is no trace of theloving, self-sacrificing father who devoted his life to making his daughterhappy but instead his daughter finds a heartless, cruel and dangerous man.Religion, intrigue and death intertwine in this story of a woman who isfighting against her fate and who finds out that a web of lies and mysteries islurking beneath the peaceful surface of her small town and it is encircling herto the point of suffocation, pushing her to the verge of madness.

(Français) Un matin, Theodore Logan, un entrepreneur connu et respecté, conduit sa voiturejusqu’à une forêt écartée où, de façon inexplicable, il met fin à sa vie.Daniella Logan, sa fille, âgée de vingt-cinq ans, commence à partir de cemoment-là à reconstruire les derniers jours de la vie de son père, à larecherche d’une réponse, d’une piste, de quelque chose qui lui permette decomprendre pour quoi. Les recherches de Daniella la mènent à un homme différentde celui qu’elle a connu : la figure de l’homme amant, de l’homme travailleuret bon, qui a consacré sa vie à rendre sa fille heureuse disparaît, remplacéepar celle d’un homme impitoyable, cruel et dangereux.Religion, intrigue et mort s’entrecroisent dans cette histoire d’une femme quilutte contre son destin et découvre que sous la tranquille apparence de sapetite communauté se cache un tissu de mensonges et de mystères qui l’entourentjusqu’à l’étouffer et la pousser au bord de la folie.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Prior, Erica Daniella
Cast Rafter, Denis Simon Hastings
Cast O’Sullivan, Frank Inspector Potts
Cast O’Toole, John Padre Elías
Cast Stevenson, Craig Harris
Cast Houlihan, Trae Chrysteen
Cast Collins-Moore, Richard Dr. Larabee
Cast Harper, Toby Dr. Grant
Cast Gimpera, Teresa Nana
Cast Hill, Craig Theodore Logan
Cast Bofarull, Birgit Señora Hastings
Cast Monroy, Miguelgibbs, Ian Raymond Forense
Cast Giró, Saskia Florista
Dubbing Director Ferrer, Montse
Show full cast
  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Fernández, Julio
Production Ginard, Joan
Directed by Plaza, Paco
Executive Production Fernández, Carlos
Executive Production Ginard, Joan
Executive Production Nava, Antonia
Line Production Amorós, Josep
Production Manager Maymó, Oriol
Screenplay Marías, Fernando
Screenplay Plaza, Paco
Plot Basado En La Novela 'Pact Of The Fathers' De Ramsey Campbell
Cinematography Rosso, Pablo
Score Salas, Mikel
Film Editing Lorenzo, José Ramón
Production Design - Art Direction Freyre, Lara
Costume Viguer Zabala, Gloria
Sound Sounders Creación Sonora
Re-recording mixer Orts, Marc
Assistant Director Bernabeu, Xabier
Casting Fillingham, Angela
Make-up Maestre, Iñaki
Make-up FX Ddt Efectos Especiales
Hairdressing Martínez, Alfonso
Set Design Vila, Cris
Other info Supervisión Post-Producción:
Other info Pérez Villar, Jesús L.
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
Grant Amount
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General 689,486.60 €
Grants - Preservation of negatives and original supports 8,768.46 €
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2002
Production year 2002
Length Largometraje
Film Formats 35 mm.
Running time 98 minutos
Original footage 2.690 mt.
Emulsion Eastmancolor
Aspect ratio Panorámico 1:1,85
Laboratories Image Film
Editing film format Avid
Edit Facilities Image Film
Sound Studios Soundtrack (Mezclas)
Sound Studios Mozart (Doblaje)
  • Other Titles of the Movie
Tag Information
Other titles Le second nom
Castellet i la Gornal 08908 Barcelona Spain
Barcelona 08029 Barcelona Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Hospitalet de Llobregat, L' 08908 Barcelona Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
  • Festivals and Awards
Awards Section Person / Company
Festival Internacional De Cinema De Catalunya. Sitges 2002 Méliès de Plata 2002
Xii Premios Turia Mejor ópera prima

Other films of the director

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