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Pau Durà


Con un bote lleno de esperma en el bolsillo y camino de la clínica donde le espera su mujer para hacer una in vitro, Santi -crítico culinario en plena crisis de los 40- choca en vespa con un vehículo cuya conductora se da a la fuga. Buscando ayuda, queda atrapado en el restaurante Toscana donde, a punta de escopeta, un ex cocinero reclama el finiquito a su propietario.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Malena Alterio
Cast Pau Durà
Cast Francesc Orella
Cast Edu Soto
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Directed by Pau Durà
Screenplay Pau Durà
Cinematography Miguel Llorens
Score Magalí Datzira Sallas
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 Download signed Film Rating Certification 81 min. 10/19/2021
Trailer Rating Runtime Certification
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 Download signed Trailer Rating Certification 1 min. 50 seg. 4/20/2022
  • CREW
No info available
  • Film Info
Tag Information
Star-up shooting date 3/1/2021
Locations Spain - Castellón (Days: 10)
Barcelona 08012 Barcelona Spain
icono Distribucíon Nacional
Sant Cugat del Vallès 08172 Barcelona Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Alicante International Film Festival (2022) Largometrajes a concurso
Festival De Málaga (2022) Pases Especiales. Sección Oficial no Competitiva

Other films of the director

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