Isla de Wight (Gran Bretaña). El hospital infantil de Mercy Falls está a puntode cerrar sus puertas tras más de un siglo de funcionamiento. La mayoría delpersonal ya ha sido despedido y sus instalaciones han sido prácticamente desmanteladas.Amy, una enfermera americana, llega a Mercy Falls para cubrir el turno de nochemientras se lleva a cabo la evacuación de los últimos niños a otros centros.Pero pronto detecta algo extraño en este hospital. Los niños están nerviosos,asustados, hablan de algo intangible, invisible, algo que no debería existir,algo lleno de dolor y de odio. Algo a lo que los niños llaman la niñamecánica.Y aseguran que vive arriba, en la segunda planta, la planta que fueclausurada hace más de cuarenta años.Poco a poco, esta presencia se irá haciendo más y más evidente. Más agresiva,moviéndose por los corredores del hospital. Oculta entre las sombras.Porqueeste hospital esconde un secreto. Algo aterrador que ha vuelto del pasado. Algoque no debería estar aquí.Y para descubrir la verdad y proteger a los niños, Amy tendrá que enfrentarse alos que no quieren creerla, a sus propios miedos, a su propio pasado, a la verdad.Pero esta verdad es mucho más oscura de lo que nadie sospecha. Más siniestra.Y más peligroso
The Mercy Falls Children’s Hospital is about to close its doors for good afterone Century of service. But the closing process is taking longer than expected;a railroad accident has left the local hospitals without beds. It will take afew more days to transfer all the children.It will not be an easy task. Most of the personnel has left and practicallyall the installations have already been dismantled.Amy, a young nurse, issent from London to help out.But she soon detects something odd in thisplace...The children are nervous. And afraid. Of something intangible,invisible. Something that shouldn’t even exist. Something full of pain. Andhatred. Some of them call it "the mechanical girl".And they claim it livesupstairs, on the third floor. The floor that has been closed and blocked awayfrom the rest of the building for 40 years.And little by little, thispresence begins to make itself increasingly evident. More aggressive. Movingthrough the hospital’s corridors. Crouching in the shadows.Because thishospital holds a secret. Something terrifying that has returned from the past.Something that shouldn’t be here.And to discover it and protect the kids, Amymust face everything: the rest of the hospital staff who refuse to accept theobvious, her own fears, and the truth.But the truth is very far from whatanyone suspects. Darker. More sinister.And more dangerous...
Performance | Name | Role |
Cast | Flockhart, Calista | Amy |
Cast | Roxburgh, Richard | Robert |
Cast | Anaya, Elena | Helen |
Cast | Jones, Gemma | Sra. Folder |
Cast | Murphy, Yasmin | Maggie |
Cast | Mcfarlane, Colin | Roy |
Cast | Trayling, Susie | Susan |
Cast | Ortiz, Daniel | Matt |
Performance | Name | Notes |
Production | Fernández, Julio | |
Production | Ginard, Joan | |
Directed by | Balagueró, Jaume | |
Executive Production | Julio Fernández | |
Executive Production | Carlos Fernández | |
Co-Production | Martínez Martín, Albert | |
Line Production | Teresa Gefaell | |
Line Production | Carla Pérez De Albéniz | |
Screenplay | Balagueró, Jaume | |
Screenplay | Jordi Galceran | |
Cinematography | Giménez, Xavi | |
Score | Baños, Roque | |
Film Editing | Martí, Jaume | |
Production Design - Art Direction | Bainnée, Alain | |
Costume | Monné, Patricia | |
Sound Mixer | Fontrodona, Dani | |
Sound Design | Manera, Albert | |
Assistant Director | Izquierdo, Fernando | |
Casting | Brazington, Wendy | |
Make-up | Currie, Heather | |
Make-up | Casal, Alma | |
Hairdressing | Merino, Saturnino | |
Special Effects | Ddt | |
Special Effects | F&P Efectos Especiales |
Film Rating | Duration | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 99 min. | 9/29/2005 |
Trailer Rating | Runtime | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 | 1 min. seg. | 10/3/2005 |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 7 | 2 min. seg. | 5/11/2005 |
Video Rating | Runtime | Certification |
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AUDIENCES UNDER 13 | 99 min. seg. | 5/17/2006 |
Grant | Amount |
Grants - Amortisation of Feature Films - General | 1,000,000.00 € |
Grants - Preservation of negatives and original supports | 13,767.20 € |
Grants - Reducing interest - Production | 29,149.08 € |
Tag | Information |
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue | 2005 |
Production year | 2005 |
Length | Largometraje |
Film Formats | 35 mm. |
Running time | 99 minutos |
Original footage | 2.700 metros |
Sound Studios | Soundtrack |
Emulsion | Color |
Aspect ratio | Scope 1:2,35 |
Laboratories | Image Film (Barcelona) |
Laboratories | Deluxe (Londres) |
- Film Info
Tag | Information |
Star-up shooting date | 8/30/2004 |
Ending shooting date | 11/9/2004 |
Locations | Spain - SABADELL (Days: N/E) |
Locations | Spain - TARRASA (Days: N/E) |
- Festivals and Awards
Awards | Section | Person / Company |
Premio Calle 13, | ||
Diario L´Est Républicain-La Liberté De L´Est | Premio del Público | |
Festival De Cine Fantástico De Gérardmer | Premio del Jurado Joven y Premio del Jurado | |
Iv Premis Barcelona 2006 | Mejor fotografía y mejor montaje | |
Xx Premios Goya 2006 | Mejores efectos especiales |