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Las relaciones entre madre e hijo a veces son complicadas y más si el hijo tiene una vaca lechera cinéfila con habilidades sobrenaturales. La madre deberá aceptar que, en un momento de la vida, pierde la exclusividad de ser la fuente de energíaquesurge del amor, mientras que el hijo, encariñado con su vaca, verá como un inconveniente los continuos consejos de su madre.

Relationships between mothers and sons are sometimes complicated, and all the more so if the son has a cinephile dairy cow with supernatural abilities. The mother must accept that, at a certain time in life, she is no longer the exclusive sourceofenergy that springs from love, while the son, who has grown attached to his cow, will come to see his mother´s constant advice as a problem.

  • CAST
Performance Name Role
Cast Carmen Maura Madre
Cast Secun De La Rosa Hijo
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  • CREW
Performance Name Notes
Production Gomes Lorena
Production Francesc Olivares
Directed by León Barrios, Paco
Executive Production Xen Subirats
Executive Production Clara Valle
Line Production Begoña Muñoz Corcuera
Line Production Anna Vilella
Screenplay Anna R. Costa
Screenplay Paco León Barrios
Cinematography David Acereto
Score Lucas Vidal
Film Editing Ana Álvarez-Ossorio
Production Design - Art Direction Laia Ateca
Costume Suevia Sampelayo Vázquez
Sound Design Xavier Mas
Assistant Director Óscar Manero
Casting Marta Pontnou
Make-up Romana González
Make-up Pato García
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he current rating will be the one with the most current resolution date
Film Rating Duration Certification
GENERAL AUDIENCES 13 min. 9/1/2015
  • CREW
Tag Information
Year of the Spanish Films Catalogue 2015
Production year 2015
Length Cortometraje
Running time 13 minutos
Aspect ratio Panorámico 1:1,85
Camera model Arri Alexa
Reus 43203 Tarragona Spain
  • Festivals and Awards
Participation in Festivals Section
Festival De Cine De San Sebastián 2015

Other films of the director

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